About Us

When I first embarked on creating Cats Advisors, I was getting the frequent “Beam my pet up, Scottie” from the occasional Star Trek fan.

I’m no Captain Kirk but I can say straight from my heart that our pets are more than just ‘pets’ to many of us.

We love them to bits and treat them like part of the family. However, through this process, we also make the understandable mistake of humanizing them.

They should be cared for as pets first, with different dietary and lifestyle needs as compared to us. You don’t need to be a qualified vet to take good care of your pet. But you do need to understand the nature of your pet.

Here at Cats Advisors.com, we aim to bring you the best possible information regarding caring for your pets.

We want our readers to be mindful of the right way that you should be caring for your furry friend.

As pet owners ourselves, we want nothing but the best for our pets.

I’m more of a Buzz Lightyear kind of person so here’s to “Better pet care and beyond!”